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Electronic Manufacturing Distribution and Representation Since 1989
Sn63Pb37 .031" 282/66(3.3%) RMA Wire 1lb Spool
Mfgr Part No: 24-6337-7402
In Stock: 0 lb
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RMA Core Wire

Kester 282 Mildly Activated Rosin Flux Core consists of high quality Grade WW rosin to which a very small amount of an extremely effective activating agent has been incorporated. 282 is classified as Type ROL1 flux under IPC ANSI/J-STD-004 Joint Industry Standard. It was formerly classified as Type RMA per MIL-F-14256. 282 Rosin-Cored solder has been developed for use in the electronics industry where a more active flux than plain rosin is required but where highly activated fluxes are considered potentially conductive. Rosin Core 282 has particular application where difficult assemblies are to be soldered but the flux residue must be electrically inert.